Cookies for Kittens – An Animated Lego Short Film

Cookies for Kittens – An Animated Lego Short Film

A Short Film Project by: Jumping Jack Productions

When the 2024 Talent Show arrived at Jack's school, Georgia Cyber Academy, he wanted to try his hand at something different. After some brainstorming and creative planning, Jack decided to try and make a 3D animated Lego short film. Jack thrust himself into learning the software, Blender 3D and after a lot of hard work, the "Cookies for Kittens" short film was introduced to the world.

This project taught Jack some of the important aspects of animation, video production:

  1. Story creation
  2. Voice acting and recording
  3. Set design & scene creation
  4. Facial animation
  5. Body animation
  6. Lighting
  7. Rendering

This project was so fun that the Jumping Jack Productions team have already begun work on a full length Lego animation movie. Stay tuned to the website and YouTube for future updates about the project!