Category: WOW!
WOW! Are You Dumber Than A Phone?

Don’t clog up your internal memory with cyber trash. Live a life of “Goodness”. In this episode of Words Of Wisdom From Everyday Items, we talk to a cell phone and learn the difference between living life like a “smart” device (goodness) or a “dumb” one (trash). Which one will […]
WOW! Keep The Faith!

Do you like the sound of an electric guitar? What about a talking one? In this week’s episode of “Words Of Wisdom from Every Day Items”, we listen to the shredding sounds of an electric guitar talk about “Faithfulness” and the importance of seeking truth and holding to. Music by […]
WOW! Are You Full of Stuffin?

Why are we so quick to get angry and be rough and tough? Gentleness, combined with self-control, will take you far in life. Just take it from Teddy, the world’s leading expert on all things Gentle. Music by Tim Adams of Silver Glass Music.
WOW! Are You Out of Control?

Driving a car without a steering wheel would be crazy. So why do we live our lives in that matter…without any control. In this Words Of Wisdom From Every Day Items video, we learn about the importance of having SELF-CONTROL straight from the mouth of a steering wheel. Music by […]
WOW! Be Thankful!

“Words of Wisdom From Everyday Items” brings you a comical way to wipe away all thoughts of doubt and be thankful for what you have. Take it from a roll of toilet of paper….it could be a lot worse. Music by