Commando: Overcoming

The toy Mandalorian stands tall after overcoming the battle. Giant explosions rock the desert sands.

Commando: Overcoming

A Toy Photography Project by: Jumping Jack Productions

While out on an adventure, the Jumping Jack Productions team captured so many epic photos, like this Mandalorian toy picture! They loved them all so much, that they had to release a 2nd one. This picture, simply titled, "Commando: Overcoming" is all about standing tall and overcoming the obstacles of life. In this movie poster kind of picture, the Mandalorian stands tall against the backdrop of fiery mayhem and sand-scattering explosions.

This picture, brainstormed and composed by eight-year-old Jack Adams, proves that anything is possible when you put your mind to it. Therefore, if you have a love for toy photography like the Jumping Jack Productions team, don't let doubt, fear, or laziness hold you back. Grab any camera you can get your hands on (with permission of course) - even if its just a cell phone - and start being creative. Or perhaps you have other goals and ambitions, awesome! It's time to overcome the fear and doubt that tries to tell you "No", and stand tall like the Commando, Mando!

If you would like to see the other Mandalorian toy picture called "Commando: Victory", please click on the link now. We would love for you to compare these two pictures - which are very similar - and let us know which one you like the best. Leave your thoughts in the comments below.